

Soundhound + Spotify

Are you ever at a bar, on your second beer, having a pretty relaxed night out on the town with a good group of friends, under the warm christmas lights that decorate the patio in July, when a song comes on and you start tapping your hand, and then your foot, and then your attention is distracted and you just have to know, "what song is this?"

I have that problem a lot. I think Shazam was the first to the scene back in 2008-ish. It was alright. I started looking for alternatives and found Soundhound. It's cool and I've stuck with it since then. Shazam might have gotten better, I dunno, this isn't about that.

This is about me finding a feature tonight that allows you to connect your Soundhound account to your Spotify account, so when you set your phone to listen to a song playing in the background, it automatically adds it to a playlist in Spotify.

That's pretty cool right?

It's also interesting to see Soundhound has restructured and created Hound and is branching out into other categories on mobile search. That's pretty cool too.